Ample Blog — Nutrition
Connor Young
Keto Vs. Low-Carb: What’s The Difference?
We’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about the difference between a ketogenic diet and a low-carb diet. How are they different?
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Connor Young
Carnivore Diets, Scurvy, and Meat Quality with Dr. Shawn Baker
Listen in as carnivore founder Dr. Shawn Baker discusses the details of an all-meat diet, including vitamin C needs, colon cancer risk, and why he eats grain-fed meat.
Connor Young
A Balanced Look at the Carnivore Diet
When a friend of mine first mentioned the carnivore diet to me, I thought he was kidding. Are people really only eating meat, and expecting to be healthy? It seemed like another fad diet geared at grabbing attention more than anything. After all, despite the many differences of various popular diets, the one thing we could all agree on is that eating vegetables is good for you. Not anymore. Since Dr. Shawn Baker popularized carnivore a few years ago, thousands of people report that their health and performance have improved on an all-meat, zero-carb diet. Trying to keep an open...
Connor Young
Troubleshooting Keto: Why You’re Not Losing Weight on a Ketogenic Diet
Not losing weight on a keto diet? There are some myths out there about keto and weight loss that can get in the way of your fat loss goals. The good news is that ketosis really is great for weight loss. You may just need to make a couple changes. Here are the principles of a ketogenic diet for weight loss.