Ample Blog

Connor Young

The mistake we make in how we approach New Year’s resolutions.

It would be totally understandable if setting New Year’s resolutions has entirely fallen off your radar after a crazy 2020. After all, getting through this year has been hard enough. And if you read anything about New Year’s resolutions, nearly every blog will show you dismal stats of resolutions success rates, followed by 7-10 tips to overcome the odds and be one of those in the successful camp.  Well-intentioned as it is, I think the current mainstream narrative around New Year’s resolutions sets us up for failure and stagnation. I instead invite us to massively reframe our mindset in order...

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Connor Young

What is greatness?

Like many of us this year, in an effort to focus on what I can control instead of what I can’t, I’ve turned inward to reflect and work on myself. As a result, I frankly haven’t done much external outreach or business development for Ample. So you can imagine my confusion to see an envelope from the White House come in the mail early this November. “Shit, is there an issue with my taxes or something?” Instead, I found this—a hand-written message from Joe Biden.     “Connor - thanks for the shakes, they really work—keep my energy up! Hope...

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Keto Vs. Low-Carb: What’s The Difference?

We’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about the difference between a ketogenic diet and a low-carb diet. How are they different? The post Keto Vs. Low-Carb: What’s The Difference? appeared first on Ample.

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Carnivore Diets, Scurvy, and Meat Quality with Dr. Shawn Baker

Listen in as carnivore founder Dr. Shawn Baker discusses the details of an all-meat diet, including vitamin C needs, colon cancer risk, and why he eats grain-fed meat.

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