Ample Blog — Science

How to Create Balance when Pursuing Greatness with Mark Divine

In this talk, we get into a few of the big seemingly paradoxes many of us struggle with. How do we achieve balance when you want to achieve great things?

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How to Determine Your Food Autoimmunity and Ideal Carb Threshold, and What To Do About It with Kelly Schmidt, RD

All her life, Kelly has gone against the grain by implementing a low-carb approach for managing her type 1 diabetes, and primarily uses this approach for a variety of her other patients.

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How to do Keto Right, and Avoid Mistakes During Keto Adaptation with Cathy Saenz, PhD, RD

I was excited to interview Dr. Cathy Saenz, PhD, RD. Cathy is one of the very few people in the keto space with experience as a researcher and clinician, for athletes, those with chronic disease, and anyone in between. She worked with Dr. Jeff Volek on the FASTER study, the Cleveland Indians, and speaks regularly at conferences.

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Connor Young

Do Detox Diets Really Work?

There's a lot out there about detox diets and how to detox. While detoxing does exist, a juice cleanse may not help you too much. Read on to learn about how detoxes really work.

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