Mark is one of the most inspiring people I know, having dedicated his life to developing world-class leaders.
A former Navy SEAL commander with 20 years of service, black belt in 3 forms of martial arts, Mark is committed to helping people achieve self-mastery in all areas of life: physical, mental, spiritual, and relational, for the betterment of the world.
I’ve known Mark for a few years, and have always been impressed not only in how capable he is as a leader, but also how much emphasis he puts on the mental and spiritual side of things. Yoga, meditation, and breath training are essential pieces of his training, and foundational to his success. When I think of Mark, the first thing that comes to my mind is “Enlightened Warrior.”
In this talk, we get into a few of the big seemingly paradoxes many of us struggle with. How do we achieve balance when you want to achieve great things? How should we develop the inner selves along with the outer? What are the benefits to training as a warrior despite having no desire for conflict?
In this conversation, Mark answers:
- What are the things that set someone apart between getting into the SEALS versus not?
- How do you develop grit in circumstances of extreme uncertainty?
- How important is it to develop the inner domain of potential and productivity?
- What are the skills you believe need developing that were lost in ancient warrior traditions?
- What’s wrong with exclusively mindfulness or positive visualization meditation techniques?
- Is balance possible in extreme life? Can you define it, and how do you cultivate it?
- Is there a downside of too much mental or spiritual self-development work?
- Why are martial arts important or relevant for a civilian not trying to be trained in battle?
- What advice would you give to someone trying to determine their own best physical and mental development practice?
- If you could point to 1 or two character traits you’d like everyone in the world to have, what would they be?
- Is it a contradiction to be a warrior but also whole or connected to all of humanity?
I came away inspired after this talk with Mark. I hope you will too.