Ample Blog — Nutrition
Connor Young
What Is Keto And Why Are People Doing It?
You may already be familiar with the ketogenic diet. Keto has been making a big splash in the nutrition world, and we get asked all the time what we think about it.
Connor Young
There Is No Perfect Diet: A Few Thoughts On Practical Nutrition
As life keeps getting busier, more than ever, we need a simple solution for health. Health gurus claim to have the secret to perfect health—the one diet to rule them all.
Connor Young
Is Saturated Fat Good or Bad for You?
Talking about saturated fat is tough, largely because it’s such a polarizing issue. Depending on what you read, saturated fat is depicted as the ugly, heart-disease-causing stepchild of the fatty acid world, or it’s shown as the prodigal son that should be hailed with impunity.
Connor Young
Why Ample Is So Rich In Fat
Ample has four different fats in it: Macadamia nut oil, coconut oil, chia seed oil, and sunflower lecithin I get a lot of questions about the fats in Ample.