Different people require different nutrition. To stay consistent with our mission, we’re committed to creating an evolving line of product variants.
Here are the next 3 products in the Ample pipeline!
Ample X
We’re substituting sprouted brown rice protein for the whey and collagen protein, and getting rid of stevia. Ample X is paleo and vegetarian, soon to be fully vegan as well. It’ll be called Ample X because of its eXclusion of a few potential allergens, but it’ll actually be more inclusive and accommodating of people facing these dietary restrictions.
The following were removed from Ample original to create Ample X.
- Whey Protein. Lactose-intolerant people can’t tolerate this, and it’s not strictly paleo for those following a strict implementation of the paleo diet.
- Collagen Protein: This is off-limits for vegetarians, vegans, and those following a kosher protocol where the dairy and meat are in the same food. We’d encourage a glycine supplement like this to still give you the amino acids in a high enough quantity to maintain joint health and DNA/RNA functionality.
- Stevia: Some people have an adverse reaction to this. We also don’t really need it, as the inulin and sweet potato provide enough natural sweetness as it is. We use very small amount of it anyway, so it’s easy to take out.
- Sprouted brown rice protein. Why sprouted? Rice (especially brown rice) has phytates, which can inhibit enzymes that digest food. Phytates are anti-nutrients that act as a defense mechanism for the plant to avoid getting eaten. When you sprout rice, it significantly reduces phytate content. It also tastes pretty good with a decent texture if sourced well.
We’re also excited to share our upcoming plans for Ample: a very low carb (or “ketogenic”) version, and a high carb, low fat version.
2nd new version: very low carb
The ingredients making up the “ketogenic” version will be very similar to the current version of Ample, except the macronutrient ratio will change. It will be around 65% lipids, 25% protein, and 10% carbs. For a 400 calorie meal, this will mean: 29g fat, 26g protein, and 10g carbohydrates. The carbohydrates will consist almost exclusively of fiber from greens, resistant starch and other prebiotics, and won’t affect insulin much at all.
3rd new version: high carb, low fat
This version will be higher carb, lower fat and intended for people who tolerate more carbohydrates better, or after intense activity like interval training, weightlifting, sprinting, etc. Since we’re several months away from developing this version, because we’ll want to get considerable feedback on the initial 2 versions, we don’t have the specifics on this version yet.