Hellooo, Team Ample!
Hope you’re gearing up for a relaxing Labor Day weekend! It’s been a little while since our last update (we’ve missed you!), but we’ve been grinding away – nothing is ever as simple as you hope it’s going to be! However, as of right now, we are still headed toward an anticipated October ship date.
Basically, as soon as we made the switch over to large-scale manufacturing and began working with new suppliers, Ample went back into R&D. As you know, it took tons of iteration to get Ample to its pre-Indiegogo form (which yes, was pretty darn good… but not optimal.) That version of Ample was the end result of months of working with a specific set of ingredients, and we weren’t 100% happy with them. We’ve been super excited about getting to work with new suppliers, but remember that adage: not all macadamia nut oil powders are created equal (What? You haven’t heard that one?). Well, it’s true.
Over the last month, we’ve had to switch suppliers on a couple of ingredients a few times, simply because after trying to work with them, we just weren’t happy. For us, nutrition does come first, and as you remember, that’s why we ended up pushing back the timeline a little bit in the first place. We had to comb back through our ingredients to make sure the nutrition was there, that the science was there. Now, the focus has been about making Ample something you’d actually be happy to drink in your daily life! Not sure if you know this, but the healthiest options don’t always taste the best…
More than once, everything would be great, but then one or two ingredients would throw off the taste profile to be a little bit bitter, or the consistency to be a bit too grainy for our liking, and then it was back to the drawing board. We’re losing money on these supplier changes, but we want to eat the cost (literally..!) because we believe it’s worth it. You deserve a product that is not only great for you, but tastes great. No compromises.
Over the last month, we’ve been searching high and low for optimal. We’ve been in the kitchen, we’ve been in the lab, we’ve been everywhere from Phoenix to Chicago… chasing down the right ingredients and nailing the perfect formula. It’s a constant search to make Ample the absolute best product it can be! And we are so close.
Very excited to share with you some of the changes we’ve made. We’re sure you have lots of questions, and Connor is going to be answering them during a Tuesday AMA (Ask Me Anything) live on Facebook. Please tune in on 9/6, 5PM PDT/8PM EDT. Come with your questions, and Connor will be happy to talk about the decisions he’s made throughout the production process so far!
The post Current Status: Anticipated October 2016 Ship appeared first on Ample.